Category Archives: Senior Reps

Alicia – Senior Rep
Alicia is another of my beautiful Senior Models for the Class of 2014. Although I’ve just met her, I can tell

Morgan – Senior Rep
I first met Morgan when she was an 8th grader in my FCS class. So happy to see that she is growing up to be a

Meet Allie. Another Senior Model for the class of 2014 and as beautiful as can be. We began the shoot just before

I have known Morgan since she was in my 8th grade FCS class. I have to say she is turning into a beautiful young

Kristina – Senior Rep
Meet Kristina. A beautiful girl inside and out. She has amazing personal style which blends perfectly with her

Senior Reps 2014
It seems crazy to be thinking about this already, but I am currently seeking models for my Class of 2014 Senior Rep