Category Archives: Kiddos

Bella is the definition of adorable! She is honestly one of the best 2 year olds I have ever worked with.

The Groteluschen Family – Awaiting baby’s arrival
I love this session for a couple of reasons. First of all this family is adorable and so easy to photograph. I also

The Jara Family + Khloe Turns 1
Third time was a charm when it came to making this shoot a reality. Rain and wind forced us to reschedule a couple of

Kelsey – 1 year
One of the most rewarding things as a photographer is when a family asks you to come back and document their

Cuties & Cake!!
One of the most flattering things I’ve experienced as a photographer is when clients continue to book me to

Meet Bella
Working with toddlers is quite the experience! Yes, they are adorable, but boy are they unpredictable. These shoots