Category Archives: Families

The McKenzie Family
I love shooting family sessions, but when they are for old friends from high school it makes them even more special.

The Hemenway Family
The first time I worked with this family was for Elaine’s newborn pictures (6 months ago already!). They are

The Groteluschen Family – Awaiting baby’s arrival
I love this session for a couple of reasons. First of all this family is adorable and so easy to photograph. I also

The Jara Family + Khloe Turns 1
Third time was a charm when it came to making this shoot a reality. Rain and wind forced us to reschedule a couple of

“The Clarks” – An Arizona Family Session
A couple of weeks ago my family took a much needed vacation down to Arizona to visit my parents. After the spring (or

Farah & Ella
Farah is a dear friend of mine that just so happens to also be a York High School alum. Her and her husband, Kyle, are